Wednesday, March 9, 2011

That Bryan Adam's song from the '80's?

Me? A Blogger?? I said I would never start a blog but as they always say, "Never say Never!" LOL I have no idea if anyone will ever even READ this - but if they don't it's all good because it's more or less for my own personal venting & "cleansing" purposes anyway! BUT if you want to come along with me on my daily chaotic adventures - hold on tight & enjoy the ride (and don't say you weren't warned about the potential drama that comes merely by being associated with me! :)

I've always enjoyed journaling & not just because it's a major part of scrapbooking! Because I find it very therapeutic in times of sadness, stress, grief and frustration & a "celebration of the heart" in times of extreme happiness! (Those are rare though, so don't go anticipating much of that here, ok? LOL ), instead of writing in my "oh so cute" lined journaling book entitled "ALL ABOUT ME" (with a specific pen that writes really awesome!) I will do it here! : ) What has prompted this sudden need to "vent via technology," you may ask? I think probably a combination of things that have recently "sprouted forth" in my world presently. (I will get more into that "heavy" subject in coming blog posts - I mean I can't just spill it all in my very first "technological rendering of words," right?) Whether it be one of my latest altered creations, an page entry created for one of my scrapbooks, an "all-important" rant, or just plain random thoughts - you can KNOW that it's comin' at you "STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART!" :)

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